
My name is S Rob

I am a witch, wizard, spell caster, occult consultant, psychic, clairvoyant, medium, drem analyst....I have experience doing magic and psychic readings for people in every continent in the world. 
How did all this start? How did you come to magic?
Well this is quite a tale, which I will now tell.

​For me magic was not really a choice, but a tradition passed on. I started to learn about magic and the occult at age 5. I learnt my families system of magic. But I have added to this knowledge since. It was a strange journey, where the world as others see it as taught in school was contrasted with the learning of great powers. I ultimately seek to make the peoples lives better. To improve peoples lot. To help people be empowered and change destiny when it is unfavorable, and to optimize it when it is. To laugh at fate and destiny. To make you own plan. To improve the world and make it a better place. 

 S Rob improving the world

S Rob's journey to change the world for the better means that he casts spells everyday to improve the world and those in it, to stop suffering, the ongoing survival of the planet and those species on it. However a spell affecting so many people is spread awfully thin, and so help support S Rob in his attempt: either by prayer of any denomination, or purchasing my spells and psychic readings. S Rob is also the founder of the World Magick Movement which is a society which tries to help people to improve themselves and the world through the use of the occult.


Part of S Rob's mission is to make people realize, that those who are part of other belief systems and traditions: such as witchcraft and other occult systems: are in actual fact much more similar than different, and wants people to see the similarities and accept the differences in different people whether occultists or not. As part of this please email S Rob for an interview for your newspaper, web page etc.. I would be happy to help. You may also know that S Rob is a professional author writing many, many books on all aspects of occultism.

What is the difference between an angel and a fairy? By S Rob occultist author

At first it may seem that both an angel and a fairy must be the same thing, as they are usually thought of as both having wings; a lot of people would agree with this statement. However in the past fairies were thought of quite differently. They are in effect nature spirits, linked with nature and forests. There also are many variations on them. Most countries in Europe seem to have their own variation of fairy type. It should not be forgotten that a leprechaun is thought of as a type of fairy. As are dwarfs: meaning the short magical non winged creature and not a short human. If we restrict ourselves to the classic fairy, thought of as having wings, we still find that this has variation. The classic fairy as we think of it owes more to fiction to folk tales. Times have seen people look at fairies differently. There has been much thought on the route of fairies. Some people have the view that they were the old Gods that shrank as they ceased to be worshiped, or that they made themselves smaller to hide. There is no evidence to this that I can find. Although there have been many sightings over the years of fairies types: for example there has been many sightings of leprechauns in Ireland and many other types all over Europe. We should also examine what we know of Angels. Most people think of angels as having wings, that they are good by nature. That they embody all that is good in this world. They are linked with heaven. There are like fairies many different types and varieties of angels. One main difference is that fairies are nature spirits, they are linked to forests and natural places, however as nature could be thought of as creation then that could be a similarity. However angels reside in heaven whereas fairies do not. Also angels are good they do good things. But there are many folk tales of fairies doing terrible things. They are just as apt to be bad as good. There are good and bad fairies. Some types are quite mischievous. A human being abducted or finding him or herself in fairy land may find they would have to escape to get back. They may experience a loss of time, whereas no loss of time has been linked to angels at all. But the most important difference is that the classic fairy as thought of today is an invention of Shakespeare in a midsummer night’s dream, also added to by many writers and artists. The fairy in the past was a forest dwelling magical being. It was powerful and could be extremely cruel or very good. In fact the fairy was thought of being as being able to use different forms. There is still magical practices today related to nature in many places and fairies are really a reflection of that. But there is also a ritual I was shown once when very young. It was that you should always bow to a fairy and introduce yourself. This is because it was thought of as being important to be polite, because of their power. Some say that you should never say thank you if they help you, as they are so powerful they may be offended. Also fairies do tend to be spotted in certain places more than others. Whereas an angel could in theory appear anywhere, fairies tend to gather in forests, trees seeming to be very important. Also fairies seem only to be spotted in Europe and so being a localised phenomenon. So what is the difference between an angel and a fairy? I suppose on reflection almost everything. Even the wings some claiming being a later addition. What they do share however is that they both seem to live mostly out of our grasp, unseen aloof unless they do not want to be.

What is the difference between being cursed, being haunted and having a demon?  By S Rob occultist author

At first this may seem like a strange question. After all surely they are all completely different. But maybe I should say a little about each first. A curse is a magic spell of some kind which has been placed upon a person, or persons or place. It is bad and usually if it works correctly will cause something bad or some negative thing or things to happen in the cursed person’s life. An example would be a spell, or a voodoo doll designed to hurt a particular person. Being haunted is about a ghost haunting a place, person or thing: there was even a case of a person living in a haunted caravan. A ghost is the spirit of a dead person, or animal. It may take many forms, it may bring bad feeling. It may let itself be seen by people, sometimes doing the same thing over and over again. It may throw things around like a poltergeist. A demon can do many of the same things as a ghost. It may appear for people to see, or may not. It may cause negative effects. It may follow a person or stay in a building. So far this all seems very well defined. However I have noticed that most people do not know whether they are being haunted, or cursed, or have attracted the attention of a demon. People frequently describe the same things but putting different causes onto the same circumstances. The effect of a curse will depend upon the type of curse as to what the effects may be. A person may curse a person by command a demon, in which case they would have a demon following them but also be cursed. They may command an ancestor to do bad to a person. So there sometimes is more than one category covered. But quite often there is not enough data to separate the actual cause. This is why if you contact religious people who specialize in getting rid of evil entities they usually use quite broad methods. In the films the hero discovers something bad, an evil force. He finds out about it what he can and does what is required to vanquish the beast, or demon. In reality it is nothing like this, most of the time you will have enough information to know what it is. You will not know enough to get an exact picture and would not want to be surprised by making the wrong assumption anyway. So although I have much knowledge what is needed is a flexible approach. It is the difference between boxing and kung fu: bearing in mind I do neither. Kung fu has many complex counters for specific moves. Boxing is more flexible and so a boxer can respond to many attacks without having to think. A boxer is flexible and can respond to almost anything. This is the approach that must be taken when dealing with these things. The other point is that much of how we view things depends upon our cultural background. Many different beliefs and views, see the same things slightly differently and most of the time they all have their good and bad points. So it is best not to get too tied to a particular set of assumptions. So the difference between being cursed, being haunted or having a demon, is a lot of the time nothing at all. At other times quite a lot. The one important difference is that demons can possess a person where as a ghost would have to be channelled and have seen no proof that ghosts take over others bodies: although a demon may be classified as a ghost by pretending to be one and I would classify any possession as a demonic entity. Another point is that a demon is bad; a curse is bad, whereas a ghost may not be. Some people are quite happy to share a home with a ghost: depending on the ghost. When dealing with these things.  It is best to at first to focus on what is happening and later on broad approaches on how to deal with it.

What is the evil eye? By S Rob occultist author

The evil eye is something which is held as a belief by many cultures around the world. It is a type of curse. A lot of curses require words to be uttered, or talismans. The evil eye requires none of these. It does not require any magical tools: though I myself have little use for these either. It is focused on a person by a prolonged look. It would happen like this. You would be walking along and a person would envy you in some way, they would then give you a prolonged look. This stare focused the effect on you. It focuses the persons envy upon the person being stared at through the eyes. The eyes are not a source of the magic, just a director of the persons envy. It is really about the directing of a person’s strong emotion and will to a magical effect: the curse. It is said it has the most effect upon children of babies. It does not affect adults as much as they are stronger. There are talismans designed specifically to deal with this type of curse. The effect of the curse would be harmful. It can do real damage on the baby or child. By some cultures or people are generally believed to have the power to cast an evil eye curse easier than others. These people are generally witches or occult peoples or gypsies. This is odd as the belief in the evil eye is everywhere and can be cast unwittingly. The real problem is that everyone has the power to cast an evil eye curse. It will be easier for anyone who practices magic to do, than someone who does not. This is because practice of magic builds up a person’s magical power in much the same way of practice of most things makes the person better at that task. For this reason if at any time you feel envy at a child, baby or pregnant mother, you should not look for a prolonged period of time when feeling this: just give passing glances. This may make you feel odd but believe me it is much better to be safe than to damage a child. Strangely the eye has not been used to direct other spells. It could theoretically be used to direct the power of any spell. It could direct good luck, happiness practically anything. For spells generally people use other things. Generally less well known is that some people use other things to direct a curse: for instance the evil finger. This is where a person points their finger: usually held in a slightly odd unusual pose and simply state a curse. This would simply be said as a sentence. You would need to be near the person for this to work. This again relies upon being near the other person. You need to be near the other person in order to cast the curse. The most important detail is the hand position as people doing this will need to use a hand position different enough from a normal pointed finger so they have full control: so that they do not hold their hand in this position normally and unwittingly hex people. The talismans to for protection from the evil eye, is usually a circle with a dot in it. But talismans usually work better if you are familiar with it in this context and this target like talismans is now used in logos and lots of other things: making it unsuitable. You need a symbol you can believe in for protection. Most protective talismans will protect you from the evil eye. Luckily most religions ceremonies like baptism give the baby protection from the evil eye. But do not worry as this type of attack is usually quite rare. But is you do see a person giving a prolonged and possibly envious look at your child. Well it is at times like that when having a religion or being a practitioner of magic helps.

What is the Lambton worm? By S Rob occultist author

The Lambton worm is actually a beast from a folk tale which is from the north east of England; there is also a song about it too. In the tale a young man called John Lambton misses church on a Sunday to go fishing: it should be noted that for Christians Sunday is a holy day. In some versions he is warned by an old man that he should not miss church on this holy day. When I was told this story as a child it was a worm he caught. It looked strange and so he threw it into a well. He leaves it many years. People notice that they have sheep missing: something is eating the sheep, and also some children. The worm has grown into a fierce beast which wraps itself around a hill. It is killed by John Lambton. Later on there was added a curse and this was why nine generations of Lambton’s died a violent death. There is quite a bit of variation in the exact folk tale with some versions having a lot more detail. However an important point about the Lambton worm is that it was not actually a worm. When this folk tale was first told a dragon in this part of the world at that time, was long and without arms and legs: as it was in other parts of northern Europe. However later on people thought of a dragon as having arms and legs and so it was renamed the Lambton worm. So it was actually a dragon. It should also be noted that the fact that it was from a river; probably the river wear: is an important point. It was thought at that time that evil entities and even demons could be found underground, and below a river was thought of as being a likely spot for demons to hide. So the Lambton worm would have been thought to have been sent from Hell, or at least from demons. This is John Lambton’s punishment for not going to church on the holy day of Sunday. It also cursed the whole area. This may have been why John Lambton lifted it: it was his curse and he must lift it no other could. He lifted it by wearing spiked armour and so when the worm wrapped around him (to kill him) it killed itself. There also is a public house called the Lambton worm:  named after the folk tale. There are other sightings and folk tales of other worms: actually named dragons: all around northern Europe. It is strange among folk tales in that no one seems to believe it really happened. Whereas most other folk tales have at least a few people who believe in them. But the Lambton worm seems to have no believers at all. It just seems so strange and large that if it had existed, we expect to know about it now. In the song about the Lambton worm it says that the worm: translated from the original slang: to have had big teeth, a big mouth and big eyes. In the story generally it is said to be very large: large enough to wrap itself around a hill more than once: the exact amount of times is slightly open to interpretation. If the Lambton worm was a real visitation by a beast: it would be one of the greatest finds in crypto zoology. However there is no physical evidence, and there seems to be no modern sightings: unlike a lot of things from other folk tales. So what is the Lambton worm? It is a great fierce dragon. It had large teeth, a large mouth and eyes and was a huge size: big enough to wrap itself around a hill many times. It is from a folk tale and we all hope it is just a story or else another may visit the north east of England again someday.   

What is the legend of the green skinned children of WoolPit? By S Rob occultist author

To explain this I should start to add some background to this mystery, so that you may understand it better. Woolpit is a small village, quite near Suffolk: it is a real place and not an imaginary land. Woolpit has some deep pits around it, on its edges. These pits are very deep, and very old. One day two children were found near such a pit wandering around: one boy and one girl. But these children were very unusual: they were dressed strangely, talked in a language no one there could understand, and they were green. At first people tried to wash the green hue from their skin, without success. It was quite obvious that the green was in their skin, it was its pigment not painted on.
The children were given food to eat, but did not seem to know what to do with it, eating only beans. In time they came to learn to eat other foods and slowly their skin lost its green hue. The children were baptised. The boy became ill after this but the girl survived. She learnt to speak English and told the story of how they came to be there. She explained they came from St Martin’s land, an underground place where all the people were green, everything there was green. She said they were both looking after their fathers cattle: also green: when one cattle wandered off, they eventually found it in the cave and followed it in. They found their out, by following the sound of bells; found themselves in Woolpit. It was said the girl came to be named Agnes and married a royal official from the place kings Lynn: a place 40 miles from Woolpit. What is interesting is that Lynn in the Celtic language would have been Lein: which means evil. So it could be interpreted that an innocent fairy married an evil above Earth man: and that we are all evil by nature.
There are important details to add to this tale however. This is said to have happened in the medieval period. The belief at the time was that fairies were linked with the colour green, and having green skin: as does the green knight and the green man. So these children would have been nature spirits: taken to be fairies: who came to live above ground. It was believed at the time that this all happened, that there lived below ground many strange and amazing things. That fairies and all manner of magical creatures lived below ground. Even today this is still thought of by some as being where magical creatures live. Some think that they fairies and other magical creatures live in a parallel reality. And so the children could have slipped through a dimensional portal of some kind. Indeed there are many tales of people passing through doorways to other lands, or being taken underground to new places.
However we look at it the finding of two green children, lost dressed in green, with green skin, who spoke a strange language is something that we should take seriously. After all, if people can get lost in this land unable to get back, then maybe people from this land can get lost in theirs? It would be interesting to know how many people disappeared in Woolpit? Was it more than the average? But there are other explanations: a deficiency could cause chlorosis which is a medical condition where the sufferer has green tinged skin. Therefore when they were properly fed the colour would disappear: explaining the change in appearance. Also in the past local dialects in the UK were far more diverse: a person coming from Wales where welsh is spoken would not be understood in places where it was not spoken. Even in the same language as English it could be difficult to understand different dialects. This is the legend of the green skinned children of Woolpit. Where they fairy children, green aliens from another world, or suffering from malnutrition: I will leave that for you to decide?

Who or what is Poseidon? By S Rob 

Poseidon is an ancient Greek God. He is often thought of as a God of the sea. He is usually portrayed as looking like a man: but of large build with black curly hair. Although there is not much colour on ancient Greek pottery and so it is natural he would be seen with black hair: they are usually of a ceramic earth red colour with black painted on and so all images on it usually appear as black. He also carries a trident: sometimes Poseidon is symbolised simply by a trident, although Satan also is pictured with a trident but Satan is not directly a part of Greek mythology, or folk tales. Poseidon is brother to Zeus: the head of all Gods and of men of the ancient Greeks. Poseidon is also very powerful: after all he is God of the sea. It is said that many seamen still worship him today: although in all likelihood they keep a talisman of some kind for good luck. He also was known to enjoy sex with both sexes. He had many sexual partners, and was said to have fathered many heroes. Among his many exploits he won the heart of a mermaid called Amphitrite; he won her heart with the help of the dolphin king. He also created the first horse. He had been known to punish people by unleashing storms upon them. He was said to reside in Atlantis choosing a mortal woman for a wife and starting the royal line of Atlantis. He also set rules for the royal family of Atlantis to follow. I suppose the fascination with sea gods and Poseidon is how treacherous the sea is. Also it is of great importance not just from an ecological point of view: the sea makes up three quarters of the Earth’s surface and can have knock on effect on the ecological health of the land. Also most goods are still transported by the sea as it is more cost effective than flying them. Yes it is true to say the sea is almost as important as it ever was. But also having a sea god such as Poseidon was peopled attempt to understand the sea. However we should not be quick to dismiss such beliefs as anyone with any belief will find that it will seem strange to someone. But Poseidon stands in some ways quite separate from many other deities from ancient Greece. He looks like a man, he is in no way part animal: although not all of his children look human. He simply looks as a large strong man. So his control and superiority of the sea can be seen as our view of our superiority over it. However there is other Sea Gods. Some of these are seen as demi-gods. But are these other sea Gods just different representations of Poseidon? Are they all the same? Well as there are also sea Goddesses then probably not. But do people still believe in Poseidon? Well yes as occult beliefs based around ancient Greek beliefs still exist. Some would think of him as an elemental: an entity representing what humans believed to be elements, and so the building blocks of everything. But as elementals are unproven and a part of a belief system for many, then why should not Poseidon be also? People are free to believe in what they want. So is Poseidon a sea God, an elemental, just character from a folk tale? Who knows? What we can say is that he has human form. He looks like us. If he walked down the road next to us: and was the same size: would we notice him? No. He would just look like us. He is one God who could exist and live beside us quite easily. Have we been made in Poseidon’s image? Is it not that he is like us, but that we were made to look like him?

Why are gargoyles on churches? By S Rob

First perhaps I should mention what is a gargoyle? A gargoyle is a sculpture that is made to look like a monster. There are many types and seems that no two are ever alike. It would have taken a skilled stonemason to make a gargoyle. A gargoyle is after all a sculpture of a monstrous beast that is attached to a building: normally at the top. The true skill of these stone masons should not be forgotten as many gargoyles are so old that in many cases no one knows who the stone mason was that made them. Many gargoyles seem to have a greatly enlarged head in comparison to the rest of them, and some also have wings: which tend to look like the wings of a bat. But there are demon gargoyles, gargoyles means to look like caricature of an actual person. Gargoyles come in many different styles. Gargoyles are generally thought of as being a tradition that started in Europe in the middle ages. However many cultures in the past have had some type of sculpture that protects people: these include china which has had dragons and other types of scary sculptures. It all depends upon what you think of as a gargoyle. Although there is definitely a general European style gargoyle look. The main trait of a gargoyle is that it is ugly and monster like. A gargoyle is a sculpture of a monster, so it must look evil ugly and misshapen. There are no beautiful gargoyles, although the artistry needed by the stonemason can clearly be seen and easily appreciated. So what is the function of a gargoyle? It should be mentioned that although some gargoyles are effectively drains for water their function is not structural, but grounded in belief. The reason gargoyles are on churches is to be so frightening that they scare away evil spirits. The priests definitely do not want evil spirits in churches. One reason evil spirits are especially not wanted in churches is to protect the Eucharist: the bread and wine used in Christian mass that represents the blood and body of Christ. If this got evil in the Eucharist it would lead to a demonic possession of the people who are attending the mass. Also for christenings: a ceremony that brings a baby into Christianity and removes original sin. Gargoyles are supposed to be mistaken by evil entities as monsters to frightening them away and protect the church from evil. But in more modern times, gargoyles are also built as decoration: to give a medieval look to a younger building.  But where does the idea for a gargoyle come from? It probably has very old roots although there is one tale. In France it was said, there was a dragon called la Gargouille who was slain by a catholic priest; after killing the beast he mounted it’s head on a wall. This is one story of how the first gargoyle was made: although very unlikely to be the truth. The most important thing is to remember however bad or evil a gargoyle may look, they are on your side. They are there to give you protection from evil and to chase demons and monsters away. They may look evil and deformed, and look very at odds with the church they are on. It may seem strange and worrying that a church: a house of God: would have these creatures on the outside. But they are simply sculptures: usually made of stone: that took great artistry to make. So perhaps the greatest reason why gargoyles are on churches is because people decided to put them there. People invented them. Made them and built them. They give a building character and perhaps protection. But they are very much man’s creation and perhaps because of that, next time we should take a longer look and marvel at those by whose talents they were made.

What is the Roman room system? By S Rob

The Roman room system is not Roman. This may come as somewhat of a shock to many. After all it is called the Roman room system. It was used be those in the senate in Rome, it was a way of remembering huge amounts of information and it also was there to impress there masses. The senators realised that by being able to remember things which they could not that it would impress those they ruled: thus making rule easier because they would see these people as mentally superior and not just richer and probably born into noble families.

The roman room system is a mnemonic system: a memory system. In the roman room system a person either chooses a room they already know, or mentally created a new one. They then use it to remember things by placing them at points where there are objects in the room. These act as posts that help you remember the items placed there. In this way to link the information you already know: the room which is either already known or thoroughly memorised. This aids memorisation.

However the Roman room system: actually create by the Greeks: was used in the ancient world with a much loftier ambition in mind. The ancients created huge mental rooms which they designed to classify all known knowledge. They then set about memorising all known knowledge, and in this way they felt that they could get closer to the Gods: it was their way to gain enlightenment. Although it should be noted that there was less core knowledge in the world then, than there is now.

But to remember the knowledge it needed encoding as visual information. The roman room system does not just rely on linking information to be remembered to things already known: those items in the room: so that they can be remembered, it also relies on encoding. This means that all things must be represented physically, as something. But the act of encoding the information itself is useful, because it condenses the information to be remembered. This means that an entire block of related information would be reduced to one item.

The act of condensing and making information into an object relies on various methods. One is to try to turn things such as numbers into letters and so into words which can then be turned into objects. Another method is part wording where a word may sound like the word to be remembered: and in this way names can easily be remembered as an object. But the act of encoding can be very complex and they set about memorising all knowledge would be immense and a great task even at that time.

But the roman room system is still used to this day and is used by many people to remember lists of things. When they do this they use a new list each time, and so they can use it to remember a shopping list. In this way it can be used to increase people’s short term memory. These rooms can be of virtually any size and the Roman room system is a great way to remember many objects, words, or even  numbers: as long as the numbers are encoded into objects where a single object may represent a number of three or four digits.

So what is the Roman room system? Well it wasn’t invented by the Romans the Greeks invented it. It used a room or rooms and they may be invented or may be a room or rooms that you already are familiar with. It is then used to remember items, or facts, and in fact anything you can think of a way to turn into an object. It is an extremely powerful memory system. It is used today just as it was thousands of years ago. Now people use it to remember shopping lists, in the past it was a means of memorising all knowledge to get closer to Gods or Goddesses.

What is a unicorn? By S Rob

A unicorn is thought of as being an animal which resembles a white horse but with a horn which grow from the middle of its forehead. A unicorn is generally thought of as being a legendary or magical animal. The idea of a unicorn is occasionally used in the occult because it can be thought of as being a magical and therefore nonphysical creature much akin to fairy folk. However the unicorn was not thought of as being magical by those ancients, because they believed it was an animal which existed in what is present day India.

It was an animal which was in ancient times not always thought of as looking like a horse, it could also resemble a goat. Pictures of the unicorn on seals of the ancient Indus valley civilization: a civilization made quite remarkable by their great trading empire and they had ships which sold items and trader over a huge area. It may seem quite natural for a seal to have a legendary animal on it, but the Indus valley civilization also made much pottery.

One item of pottery from near that area: not the area itself which is highly radioactive: but a one which exhibited influences of the Indus vales civilization but further away and of the same period: had on it a representation of a strange animal. I found however that upon googling I found that the animal still exists in modern day India. This makes me think: just because there are no traces of the unicorn does not mean it didn’t exist.

The oddness of the statement that maybe they existed without modern trace may appear less so when you learn that the Indus valley civilization was destroyed in what resembles a nuclear explosion: which is mentioned in the Mahabharata. Modern science believes that the explosion was caused by geology and two geological plates rubbing each other so strongly that it caused what geologically would be thought of as being a very rare event or a geologically caused nuclear explosion.

The explosion wiped out the Indus valley Civilization completely and to get into the place itself researchers wear protective suits to deal with the radioactivity. It therefore makes me wonder if a unicorns being placed on a seal was an indication of its rarity; just as the civilization was wiped out so could the unicorns be. The small numbers of unicorns would make them difficult to find, especially if they were within the city walls itself: the area most radioactive.

However the unicorn has also be described as being goat like and so the unicorn could literally be a type of goat and there could still be living examples today. But to many the unicorn exists as magical and being a representation of innocence and purity. But it stands in quite an unusual position where magical beings concerned. Because using the idea of a unicorn in magic is quite unpopular at the time of writing.

However the unicorn has been represented in many books and films. It is an easy way to make things magical. In many ways just as a dragon represents magic and it too finds itself in many books and films, so does the unicorn. To many it represents all that is good. This means that a unicorn can be many things. It can be a legendary creature. It can be an animal which actually lived. It may look like a horse with a horn, or be goat like. It can be seen from a film, or from the seals of the Indus valley civilization.

 Unicorns represent many things to many people. So I suppose the real question is: did it exist, was it real? To many it is a magical being: but so is the salamander and that was once thought of as being myth too, until it was discovered. If the unicorn is horse like then if it was a real being it would have been seen if it survive. But if it resembled a goat then it could still exist in modern day India as a type goat.

What is a time slip? By S Rob

The answer to the question what is a time slip is not as simple as one may think. At first look it may seem as simple as a slip in time: I will explain why this is not necessarily so later on. Those people who have claim to have seen a time slip say that it is when a person finds themselves in a situation where either one or two times are seen at the same time or when a person seems to be outside of their own time. It should be noted that we would probably only hear from those that got safely back: it may be difficult to be believed in the past, or find it easy to get believed, but difficult to not get put to death as a witch or more simply they may find that could not survive long enough to tell anyone.

Many of these situations however can also be thought of as being haunting, and many haunting may be time slips. But also what some people ponder is some or all haunting and time slips may simply be some element of the past getting recorded onto the surroundings: there have no element of time travel at all. But time slips are not always about the past there have been time slips which have been about the future also. Another theory is that a time slip is really a person travelling accidentally through another dimension: parallel reality: and this dimension may or may not be the past, future, or completely different reality altogether.

One famous time slip is in Liverpool and many people have claimed to see a child with no shoes on and a woman cleaning in Liverpool as they walked around: the date of their clothes being from the past. Another time slip that has been seen is in Finchale priory in county Durham. This time slip is where a person saw a bridge transform into an older version as did the surroundings. But this site makes classification difficult because there have also been sightings of demons and ghostly monks.

Another view of time slips is that they, haunting and many other phenomena could all be linked to space or dimensional aliens: that they are merely a way of some sort of alien intelligence testing the psychology of humanity. This view that they are a form of experiment is an interesting one, and one which could classify almost anything, which is either strength or a weakness depending upon how you see it. Another view of time slips is that they are caused by humans by either fabricating them, or a simple mind slip. A mind slip is simple where the mind did not notice something or filled in the details of something incorrectly. So a shop appearing and disappearing as a person walks past can be explained by being a mind slip. Also elements of the past are a part of our lives, just as antiques exist so do, old recordings, so do events and gatherings of re-enactors or people who like to dress from the past.

Many time slips can be explained away as being chance events, where a person sees an old car, or stumbles into a gathering of people who have chosen to gather and dress from a past period. However some time slips are so unusual that they do leap out, such as the Versailles palace time slip where a person was transported back in time hundreds of years and walked around talked to people before coming back to her own time. Another such important time slip happened to Sir Victor Goddard and as he flew before ww2 through a cloud and flew above an airbase and saw planes that weren’t there and of a type did not exist before ww2. He flew back through it and back to his own time. But years later in ww2 he went to the same base and there were the planes he had seen before. So something called a time slip may not be a slip in time; some could be haunting, other phenomena, or simply errors. But Sir Victor Goddard’s story and others do convince me that they do exist.

What is a ghost? By S Rob

The question what is a ghost may seem to have an easy answer: that it is a dead person whose sprits roams the Earth. But it is a highly complicated question. What one person sees as a ghost another may think, of as being something completely different. One person’s ghost is another person’s demon. Also to some people a haunting may be a genie. But on top of this there are the many other complexities: for instance there is the possibility that the sighting is caused by another thing entirely. One theory is that many ghost sightings are caused by human error.

But there are many other possibilities too, one theory is that a ghost is caused by an element of the past being somehow recorded onto the surroundings and what a ghost really is, is the past being played back like a cassette tape, or CD. This is sometimes called the stone tape theory and in many ways comes from the film which brought it up, and then many people came to the realization of it as a possibility.

Another theory is that a ghost may be a time slip: where people unwittingly pass momentarily into another time. This may be partial and so the two times may be blended and so people see the ghost. There is also the possibility that the ghost is a being from another dimension and so is part of a dimension slip. There is also the theory that ghosts and other spooky manifestations originate from aliens and that they are a way for aliens from space or other reality dimensions to test us psychologically. This means that ghosts would be a way of analysing humanity.

If we look at the film ”The matrix”, it says that such things as ghosts are a glitch in the matrix and this brings up the possibility that perhaps that are just part of a simulation gone wrong: except that we would be part of the simulation. Of course the similarly could just be a part of the universe making a mistake after all there is little in our world which has not to varying degrees of success fell to the mathematicalization of everything and so the universe could very much run on equations which may as we would may assume: they may allow for such glitches within their general working.

There also is the possibility that what people see as ghosts are beings of a different type. This would mean that when people see a ghost what they may really be seeing is a magical being, perhaps a demon, angel, fairy folk, or even an alien. This means that many ghost sightings are really sightings of other beings, and that there may even be abductions linked to these experiences. It can be said that people are very quick to classify things in their own cultural terms, and so sightings of different kinds have many similarities.

Of course there is the possibility which itself immediately leaps to mind when people think of ghosts: that they are the spirit of those that have passed on. That people have an immortal soul and that some people’s soul sometimes gets stuck on Earth and that they don’t move onto the next level: normally thought of as some type of afterlife. Some people think that reincarnation is real and so many people think that ghosts are impossible: although it should be noted that ancient Egyptians thought that when someone died the soul split into many parts and so people were reincarnated, became ghosts and moved onto an afterlife all at the same time.

Many people have sort answer to the question what is a ghost for a long time? Sometimes they simply seek what is this ghost? So much so that there are societies for this, such as”The ghost club founded in 1862” which I am a member of.  So the answer to what is a ghost is very much open to interpretation: it could be the souls of a person who has passed died, or it could be many other things too.

Who or what is Poseidon? By S Rob

Poseidon is an ancient Greek God. He is often thought of as a God of the sea. He is usually portrayed as looking like a man: but of large build with black curly hair. Although there is not much colour on ancient Greek pottery and so it is natural he would be seen with black hair: they are usually of a ceramic earth red colour with black painted on and so all images on it usually appear as black. He also carries a trident: sometimes Poseidon is symbolised simply by a trident, although Satan also is pictured with a trident but Satan is not directly a part of Greek mythology, or folk tales. Poseidon is brother to Zeus: the head of all Gods and of men of the ancient Greeks. Poseidon is also very powerful: after all he is God of the sea. It is said that many seamen still worship him today: although in all likelihood they keep a talisman of some kind for good luck. He also was known to enjoy sex with both sexes. He had many sexual partners, and was said to have fathered many heroes. Among his many exploits he won the heart of a mermaid called Amphitrite; he won her heart with the help of the dolphin king. He also created the first horse. He had been known to punish people by unleashing storms upon them. He was said to reside in Atlantis choosing a mortal woman for a wife and starting the royal line of Atlantis. He also set rules for the royal family of Atlantis to follow. I suppose the fascination with sea gods and Poseidon is how treacherous the sea is. Also it is of great importance not just from an ecological point of view: the sea makes up three quarters of the Earth’s surface and can have knock on effect on the ecological health of the land. Also most goods are still transported by the sea as it is more cost effective than flying them. Yes it is true to say the sea is almost as important as it ever was. But also having a sea god such as Poseidon was peopled attempt to understand the sea. However we should not be quick to dismiss such beliefs as anyone with any belief will find that it will seem strange to someone. But Poseidon stands in some ways quite separate from many other deities from ancient Greece. He looks like a man, he is in no way part animal: although not all of his children look human. He simply looks as a large strong man. So his control and superiority of the sea can be seen as our view of our superiority over it. However there is other Sea Gods. Some of these are seen as demi-gods. But are these other sea Gods just different representations of Poseidon? Are they all the same? Well as there are also sea Goddesses then probably not. But do people still believe in Poseidon? Well yes as occult beliefs based around ancient Greek beliefs still exist. Some would think of him as an elemental: an entity representing what humans believed to be elements, and so the building blocks of everything. But as elementals are unproven and a part of a belief system for many, then why should not Poseidon be also? People are free to believe in what they want. So is Poseidon a sea God, an elemental, just character from a folk tale? Who knows? What we can say is that he has human form. He looks like us. If he walked down the road next to us: and was the same size: would we notice him? No. He would just look like us. He is one God who could exist and live beside us quite easily. Have we been made in Poseidon’s image? Is it not that he is like us, but that we were made to look like him?

Why are gargoyles on churches? By S Rob

First perhaps I should mention what is a gargoyle? A gargoyle is a sculpture that is made to look like a monster. There are many types and seems that no two are ever alike. It would have taken a skilled stonemason to make a gargoyle. A gargoyle is after all a sculpture of a monstrous beast that is attached to a building: normally at the top. The true skill of these stone masons should not be forgotten as many gargoyles are so old that in many cases no one knows who the stone mason was that made them. Many gargoyles seem to have a greatly enlarged head in comparison to the rest of them, and some also have wings: which tend to look like the wings of a bat. But there are demon gargoyles, gargoyles means to look like caricature of an actual person. Gargoyles come in many different styles. Gargoyles are generally thought of as being a tradition that started in Europe in the middle ages. However many cultures in the past have had some type of sculpture that protects people: these include china which has had dragons and other types of scary sculptures. It all depends upon what you think of as a gargoyle. Although there is definitely a general European style gargoyle look. The main trait of a gargoyle is that it is ugly and monster like. A gargoyle is a sculpture of a monster, so it must look evil ugly and misshapen. There are no beautiful gargoyles, although the artistry needed by the stonemason can clearly be seen and easily appreciated. So what is the function of a gargoyle? It should be mentioned that although some gargoyles are effectively drains for water their function is not structural, but grounded in belief. The reason gargoyles are on churches is to be so frightening that they scare away evil spirits. The priests definitely do not want evil spirits in churches. One reason evil spirits are especially not wanted in churches is to protect the Eucharist: the bread and wine used in Christian mass that represents the blood and body of Christ. If this got evil in the Eucharist it would lead to a demonic possession of the people who are attending the mass. Also for christenings: a ceremony that brings a baby into Christianity and removes original sin. Gargoyles are supposed to be mistaken by evil entities as monsters to frightening them away and protect the church from evil. But in more modern times, gargoyles are also built as decoration: to give a medieval look to a younger building.  But where does the idea for a gargoyle come from? It probably has very old roots although there is one tale. In France it was said, there was a dragon called la Gargouille who was slain by a catholic priest; after killing the beast he mounted it’s head on a wall. This is one story of how the first gargoyle was made: although very unlikely to be the truth. The most important thing is to remember however bad or evil a gargoyle may look, they are on your side. They are there to give you protection from evil and to chase demons and monsters away. They may look evil and deformed, and look very at odds with the church they are on. It may seem strange and worrying that a church: a house of God: would have these creatures on the outside. But they are simply sculptures: usually made of stone: that took great artistry to make. So perhaps the greatest reason why gargoyles are on churches is because people decided to put them there. People invented them. Made them and built them. They give a building character and perhaps protection. But they are very much man’s creation and perhaps because of that, next time we should take a longer look and marvel at those by whose talents they were made.



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